Many of you have experienced internal mobility at 5th floor. We are presenting some of these experiences to you today. If you are interested in internal mobility or have any doubts or questions, feel free to reach out to the 5th floor’s internal mobility ambassadors.

Pierre Saelens & Geographical Internal Mobility
Pierre Saelens transitioned from ONE to ONEM after following a job posting on 5th floor’s intranet. This is an example of geographical mobility.
His professional path in a nutshell:
- Freelance at 5th floor for 4 years
- Developer for the “Hub de finance”
- Lead Developer/Architect at ONEM since November 2023
What are the major highlights of Pierre’s transfer from ONE to ONEM?
The same role can differ from one client to another. Tasks and responsibilities vary, making it interesting to explore those differences and step outside of your comfort zone. For example, the architect role does not exist at ONE. Pierre keeps in touch with his current and former colleagues through the tech meetings he facilitates. His recent change has helped Pierre avoid the boredom that can sometimes occur when you stay with a client for too long.
If he had a magic wand…
Pierre wishes 5th floor would provide a little push so that Floorians would experience internal mobility more often.

Michael Bebronne, Horizontal Internal Mobility
Michael Bebronne has worked in several teams within ONE. He has not applied for open positions; instead, 5th floor needed backup and adopted a more “reverse” approach in his case. Michael is a successful example of horizontal mobility.
His professional path in a nutshell:
- Freelance at 5th floor for 6 years
- Analys/PPO Link
- Analyst/PPO Subsides
- Analyst/PPO Cigogne
- Analyst/PPO HUB
- Analyst/PPO Emma since January 2024
What are the major highlights of Michael’s multiple transfers?
He challenges himself and embraces the discomfort associated with internal mobility. Starting in a new team means learning new ways of working, which promotes personal growth. Changing teams has allowed him to question his competencies and opinions.
If he had a magic wand…
He would mix teams on a regular basis to enhance collaboration effectiveness.

Dimitri Krasucki: From Developer to Analyst – A Well-Mastered Occupational Retraining!
Dimitri Krasucki has shifted from developer to analyst within ONE, representing a good example of vertical mobility. Note: The term “vertical mobility” comes from HR literature regarding internal mobility. Within the context of 5th floor, this term may appear discriminatory and inadequate. Here, we mean a change in professional role, which implies the development of new skills.
His professional path in a nutshell:
- Employee at 5th floor for 4 years
- Developer in the Subsides team
- Developer in the Appel à projets team
- Analyst in the Admin & Finance team
- Analyst in the Aïda team
What are the major highlights of Dimitri’s multiple transfers?
Working in 4 different teams over a 4-year period gives one the opportunity to explore various ways of teamwork and new (and effective) development practices. Thanks to this change from developer to analyst, Dimitri had the opportunity to receive specific training and obtain the Product Owner certification.
If he had a magic wand…
Dimitri wishes to have an overview of all teams/projects where additional support is required in order to indicate his preferences.